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We will talk about a very important topic, which is the shorts in the processor itself. Often we have explicit shorts for one of the paths, and when examining the path, we find that the shorts are in the same processor In fact, the processor is not the black piece as it is known, but the processor is a piece of glass found inside this black Ace Processor composition There is a copper layer, and it is the one that we work on There is an insulating material placed over this copper layer Then another copper layer is placed over the insulating material Then a machine separates the important tracks from the rest of the copper layer, and the entire copper layer becomes connected to the ground, and a very small area separates it from the tracks.

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Solve the problem of shorts in the processor
Plus+ton di Ceramica Althea. Il piatto doccia innovativo
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Solve the problem of shorts in the processor
Plus+ton di Ceramica Althea. Il piatto doccia innovativo

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Solve the problem of shorts in the processor – EMMC&UFS
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